Advertise in the jewel of a global network.

You have full control of your ads and it is secure.

So you can have similar image ads on our sites

Norwegian sites (may be unstable and broken because the sites are moved to a secure server).

Project start

Pedagogic Norwegian and Global Network.

Can I now blame you for the dishes not getting washed, invoices not being sent, and the dog going hungry?? This is a monster list - I'll be there for hours :-) thanks, in the first 5 minutes I found bunches of interesting links.

That statement was made by dmoz editor Shirley Bradbury when she visited one of the sites in our network some years ago. The Open Directory Project, dmoz, is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors, so in a sense, it is a competitor to our network.

If you know what you are looking for, you will find it in less than a second on a search engine. If you are unsure of what you need, you can look at this starting point as exploratory search or knowledge discovery. Via this site you can take a specific path through the internet's graph, named the Giant Global Graph (GGG) by Tim Berners-Lee that invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing.

International Sites

Links collected and cultivated from the start of the internet.

It is based on links collected and cultivated from the start of the internet. As you see the links and articles are categorized in Norwegian and Global. If you browse through the network, that we name "the Center of the Digital universe", you will note that some parts of the network are more finished than other parts and some parts are still under construction. It is a never ending project, a moving target.

With an experience of 20 years in the research department of the Central Bank of Norway, the network is strong on finance and economics. In addition it is strong on information technology, green solutions, social networks and site ratings. It is strong in the sense of the pedagogical way the links are collected, categorized and rated. Some parts of the link collection are fairly mature. We try to make the link collection stable and contextual. Take the journey and judge for yourself. Dynamic learning of exploratory search may in the future give you the edge. The result pages of a search engine (SERPs) are in a sense the least common denominator of the masses. If you follow a path through this pedagogically ordered network, you are not disturbed by the spam noise of the search engine result pages. Logic may take you from A to B. In a new (constantly updated and refined) uncharted territory the sky and your imagination is the limit.

International Bulletin Boards:

Under construction

Veronica's sites

Sunniva's site

Elise's blog about Moss

Contract advertising a win win situation and a more secure ad model.

In those days (april 9. 2014) of the heartbleed-bug we are warned by our main Tv station NrK1 that advertising through an affiliate provider is not secure. Here you and we have complete control of your ad campaign and we don't track visitors in any form. Advertise in our mini network via static brand links, a syndicated mini site, your own blog and reduce the "bounce rate of the ad". You can even get your own franchise where you find a contact form. Read more about your marketing opportunities.

As you will note, some of our sites are already mobilized or responsive. That implies that your ads are shown independent of the surfers screen resolution. Your ads fits seamless to the screen of a desktop computer as well as a tablet and a mobile phone. Did you know that up to 60 % of the surfers in some regions of the world surf the internet with a tablet or a smart phone. That means that you may miss more than 50 % of your market potential if your ads are shown on a site that is not responsive.

Under the headline: "Pay per static brand link a better solution for professional publishers" you can read about our experience with various providers of online advertising. Note that our company's site, and have been online since late 2004 and is well linked in on the internet.

You are who you link to. Do you know the context of your online advertising?

When you buy automated online advertising e.g adwords on a search engine, you can not guarantee where your ads shows up. You shall not surf the internet long before you understand that your ads may be shown on more or less unrelated sites and pages. By buying contract advertising e.g. in the form of static brand links, you can control where you advertising is shown.